Projektorscreen-fabric Projektorscreen-fabric

Estimated shipping date: Wednesday, 30 April 2025 *

Configurator Projektorscreen-fabric dimensions
Configurator Projektorscreen-fabric dimensions

000-Metervara projektorduk 1961430751

Välj denna om ett av dina mått inte kräver avklippning, dv.s att du utnyttjar dukens standard-breddmått (3000 eller 2000 mm) som din angivna bredd

000-projektorduk dubbelklipp cut vert dimensions 1961430751 2fb902f40b184f22c05708b78623

Välj denna variant om din duk kommer INTE att ha ett av dessa fasta mått: 3000 / 2000 / 1500 mm


You must select the following before you can add the Projektorscreen-fabric to cart

- You must enter the dimensions of your product

- You must select a fabric

- You must select a regulator

- You must select a product type

- You must make a choice for each option

Number of wanted Projektorscreen-fabrics with current configuration:

Your total price for the current configuration before any discounts:


Clean configuration

Configuration - Projektorscreen-fabric

Configurator Projektorscreen-fabric summary

Total measurements (AxH):

Fabric name: 


Product type: