Order Duo Roller Blinds Online Order Duo Roller Blinds Online

Estimated shipping date: Thursday, 13 February 2025 *

In this configurator, you order duo rollerblinds in many different designs.

A duo-blind can also be called a day and night rollerblind.

Always start by specifying width x height so that we can present products that fit your desired size.

Depending on your measurements, we will present different solutions, control variants, and other options for your duolight rollerblinds to fulfill all your wishes.

Step: 1 > Dimensions

Start by specifying the total width and height of the duo roller blinds, including controls. You can make deductions on your own if necessary. Read more about these dimensions here (opens in a new tab).

Tip: When ordering multiple roller blinds, start by entering the dimensions for the largest roller blind. This will enable the most configuration options for you to choose from.

Configurator duo roller blind dimensions

NB: Dimensions stated here will be the dimensions of final product! We do not make any deductions from these measurements.

SPARE PARTS and other accessories are ordered as a separate order from our spare parts shop (only in Swedish)

Configurator duo roller blind dimensions

Step: 2 > Fabric Selector

Choose which fabric/material you want for your duo blind.

Or open our PDF catalog for a quick overview.

Note that the properties of the fabrics presented below include the properties of the material itself. An example: "100% darkening" means that the fabric itself does not allow any light at all, but it does not mean that the finished product itself guarantees 100% darkening of a room.

NB: Colors / fabrics displayed on your screen may not always be exactly the same as in reality. Therefore, you can order color samples from us to make sure you choose the right color before ordering.

Step: 3 > Control type

Choose how you want to control your duo rollerblind


Duo rullgardin 19 mm med kulkedja

000-Duolight gardin Uni typ 1 RBD BU19D 01 kulkedja

Duo rullgardin med 24V dc motor

000-Duo rullgardin med motor 230 VAC

No image available

Step: 4 > Product types & Pipe Dimensions

Here you select the diameter of the pipe around which the fabric is wrapped around, the size and design of the curtain holders are affected by this choice.

The prices shown in this section are approximate, always look at "Your total price" to see exactly how the different options affect the final price of your roller blind.


You must select the following before you can add the duo roller blind to cart

- You must enter the dimensions of your product

- You must select a fabric

- You must select a regulator

- You must select a product type

- You must make a choice for each option

Number of wanted duo roller blinds with current configuration:

Your total price for the current configuration:


Clean configuration

Configuration - Duo roller blind

Configurator duo roller blind summary

Total measurements (AxH):

Approximate fabric width (B):

Fabric name: 


Product type: